miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

Even if & Even though

Even if = Aunque / Incluso si
La estructura verbal siempre es la de los condicionales.

Aunque llueva, saldré.
Even if it rains, I’ll go out.

Aunque fueses rico, no serías más feliz.
Even if you were rich, you wouldn’t be any happier.

Nunca llegarás a ser presidente, aunque trabajes mucho.
You will never become President, even if you work hard.

Aunque lo hubiera sabido, no te lo habría dicho.
Even if I had known, I wouldn´t have told you.

Aunque hubieses estado alli, no habrías sido capaz de hacer nada.
Even if you had been there, you wouldn´t have been able to do anything.

Even though = A pesar de que (siempre con verbo)

Otra forma de decir

“in spite of the fact that” o “despite the fact that”.

A pesar de que estaba nevando, fuí al concierto.
Even though it was snowing, I went to the concert.

A pesar que es duro, no me voy a rendir.
Even though it´s hard, I´m not going to give up.

A pesar de que no te gusta, merece la pena ir.
Even though you don´t enjoy it, it´s worth going

A pesar que él no estaba de acuerdo, aceptó la decisión.
Even though he didn´t agree, he accepted the decision.

A pesar de que ya era tarde, conseguimos encontramos donde comer. 
Even though it was late, we managed to find somewhere to eat.

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