domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Debug Settings to make Graphics Crashers Obsolete

Crash B Gone Debug Settings for your SL Viewer

Contains information on how to adjust a few debug settings that will allow your viewer to automatically derender rezzed or worn graphics crashers-

-SecondLife Viewer-
Open Debug settings and set the following values:
  • Me—; Preferences—; Check Show Advanced Menu—;Debug—; Debug Settings....
  • RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit 114
  • RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit 2100
  • RenderAttachedLights FALSE
-Firestorm Viewer-
Open Debug settings and set the following values:
  • Hold (Ctrl / Alt / Shift / S)
  • RenderSculptSAThreshold 114.000
  • RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit 114.000
  • RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit 2100
  • RenderAttachedLights FALSE
-Singularity Viewer-
Open Debug settings and set the following values:
  • Advanced—; Debug Settings
  • RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit 114
  • RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit 2100
  • RenderAttachedLights FALSE
Christy Rain
The Green Lanterns

RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit: Maximum surface area of a set of proximal objects inworld before automatically hiding geometry to prevent system overload
RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit: Maximum surface area of attachments before an avatar is automatically visually muted (0 for no limit)
RenderAttachedLights: Render lighted prims that are attached to avatars

Tambien es posible que ...........
RenderAttachedParticles: Render particle systems that are attached to avatars
Si se coloca en FALSE, ayude para minimizar las caidas por fallos graficos de griefers u otros factores, junto con las anteriormente mencionadas por Christy Rain.

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